Quilting Tutorials — Tutorials
A Beginner’s Guide to Quilting
Learn to Quilt This month we are mixing things up a little and doing a short series for the absolute beginner. For this video, we are using our free quilt pattern, Floppy, which can be found in our Subscriber Library. If you aren’t a subscriber yet, you can sign up for immediate access. The first tutorial will teach you how to quilt and is geared towards those that would like to learn, but have never actually quilted before. It’s the perfect video to share with your friends that don’t quilt yet, but want to know how! Next week, we will...
Curate a Fabric Bundle
How to Curate a Custom Fabric Bundle Have you ever looked at the custom bundles shops and designers put together and longingly wanted to be able to do the same? Do you feel like you can only mix and match fabrics from the same collection or designer? Well, you don’t have to anymore! You can quickly and easily create your own fabric bundles, mixed and matched from the entire shop, regardless of designer, collection, or even manufacturer. A couple months ago, our friend Erica shared this technique that I’m dubbing, The Best Friend Method, at our guild meeting. As soon...
Walking Foot Quilting
How to Use Your Walking Foot to Quilt Every once in a while, Missy has a project she needs finished and doesn’t have time to wait for Kimie to quilt it. However, Missy does not do free motion quilting. She loves all the other aspects of the project, but lets Kimie do that part. Luckily, there is a solution! A walking foot can be a fabulous addition to your sewing machine. Not only can it help with piecing and keeping your fabric from shifting, you can also use your walking foot to quilt and finish your project with ease and...
The Ultimate Guide to Half Square Triangles
How to Make Half Square Triangles If you look at our patterns and quilts, you will realize that Missy and I LOVE half square triangles. They are a foundational block that are so easy to put together, yet can be used in so many different ways. They are perfect for beginners, but versatile enough for an experienced quilter. They are so amazing, we have some quilts that are made solely of HSTs. Despite how easy they are to make, sometimes, it’s hard to remember the correct sizing or exact technique to make multiple quilt blocks at once, so we have...
What Batting Should I use in my Quilt?
Choosing the Best Batting for Your Quilt You’ve decided what fabrics and pattern to use. You’ve finalized the placement of all the colors and blocks and completed the quilt top. You’ve even decided how you are going to quilt it (or who is going to quilt it) and you have binding ready to go. You’re all done making decisions for your quilt, right? Nope, there is one more decision you have to make and it can play into the final quilt more than you realize. We spend lots of time on the outside of the quilt, but how often do...