2021 Mystery Quilt Along Month 3
This month we’ll be setting the sewing machine aside and cutting lots of curves! Don’t let them scare you. We’ll post a couple different options of methods to sew them next month so that you can find one that works best for you. If you are just joining us, we have designed a free modern mystery quilt along and invite you to join us this year! Each month we’ll be posting another step in the process and by the end of the year, you’ll have a completed quilt. If you need month two, you can access it here:
2021 Mystery Quilt Along Month 2
Something to keep in mind. We will be working on different parts of the quilt throughout the year, it’s not a block by block design. We recommend finding a container or bag to keep all the parts in so they are easy to find each month.
Sharing pictures? Use #sparkmysteryquilt and don’t forget to tag us @onwilliamsstreet when posting on social media so we don’t miss it.
What if I don’t like the Quilt?
Before we get started, I’m going to address a question I had. One of the perks of a mystery quilt along is the fun of seeing the final design emerge as we sew the pieces together. With limited time and resources, we can understand the hesitancy some have in starting a project they can’t see the end of! If this is you we have a couple suggestions on ways to figure out if it’s right for you.
1 – Check out our other quilts. This pattern is a large design that fills the space. It isn’t made up of repeating blocks. If you like our other designs that fill the space, you’ll probably like this one too.
2 – If you end up not liking it at all, donate it to charity! There are always groups out there that would be happy to have a quilt.
3 – Wait till the end and see what you think. We’ll actually be finishing this quilt top up before the end of the year and you should have a pretty good idea of the final design about 2/3 of the way into it. The videos and posts aren’t going anywhere, so if you absolutely can’t talk yourself into starting until you’ve seen the end, stick around with us and if you like it, catch up later on.
Fabric Requirements and Templates
We’ll be using the blue and white (background) fabrics this month. If you are using a different color palette, you’ll want the color you chose that has 4 different fabrics.
First, grab the print that is 1/2 yard. We are going to first want to cut a 13 1/4″ square out of this print before we start cutting the curves. We aren’t going to use this square this week, so just set it aside for later on.
Next we are going print out the templates for this month. When printing, you want to make sure that you print at 100%. Some printers will say “no scale” or “100%”. If you see an option to “Fit to Page”, we want to make sure that is NOT checked. Always check your template using the 1″ box on the template. The 1″ lines on your ruler need to line up directly on the template box. If they are even a little bit off, this can be multiplied and really make a difference throughout the quilt top.
Mystery Quilt Along – Month 3 Templates
Making the Templates
When working with templates in quilt patterns, we really like to make one that is more durable than simply paper. The easiest way we’ve found is to use a cereal box. We usually have them in abundance and there’s no need to buy anything fancy!
First start by printing the template and cutting it out on the outside line.
Next, trace it onto the cereal box. You can also use the back of a notepad or you can buy chipboard.
Cut it out of the cereal box, and now you have a nice thick template that will last throughout the entire quilt and beyond!
Tracing the Template onto the Fabric
When tracing the template onto the fabric, you can use pencil or fabric markers. You’ll want to make sure it’s something that won’t bleed later. We usually just use a mechanical pencil.
Line up the straight edges of the templates along straight edges of the fabric. With template A, you are going to cut 7 out of each of your 4 different blue fabrics. Lay your fabric out to be a single layer and arrange the templates as close as possible to make sure they fit along the width of the fabric. We’ll use scissors to cut the curve, but then we will grab one of our smaller rulers and rotary cutter to cut the straight edges.
For the white fabric, you are going to use Template B. We’ll need 28 total. For this template you can fold your fabric over either in half or with 4 layers. When drawing on your templates, alternate them back and forth so that you can nest the pieces as close as possible to minimize waste.
Take your time getting everything cut. We’ll be back next month to sew them all together!

As always, if you have any questions ask! We are here to help. Happy Quilting!
Kimie and Missy