This month in our Mystery Quilt along is probably the easiest month, but it is also the most exciting! We are going to finish up our quilt top and finally get to see how it all looks together!
Don't worry though, we aren't done yet. The fun continues all year and we are going to help you complete your quilt so that you are snuggling in it before next year.
Piecing the Middle Section
The first thing we need to do, is complete the middle section. To do this, grab the green and white strips that we cut WAY back in month 1.
Find the green 3 1/2" strips. You'll have 3 @ 15" and 2 @ 40".
Sew these into 1 long strip, alternating the long and short strips (start and end with short ones), so that the seams are spaced throughout the strip.
Cut these into 2 - 3 1/2 x 60 1/2" strips.
Now, grab your white 6 1/2" strips. There are 2 @ 21" and 2 @ 40"
Sew one 21" white strip to one 40" white strip. Repeat to make two 60 1/2" strips.
Next we will need the long flying geese strip. Sew 1 green strip to each side, then 1 white strip to each green strip.

Piecing the Quilt Top
Next, we just have to add the top and bottom sections that we finished up last month.
The easiest way to determine which is which, the top section has the 4x4 blue drunkards path blocks, and the bottom as the 3x4 blue drunkards path blocks.
When lining them up, the green sections will go along the top and bottom in opposite corners. We recommending using a few pins here, just to make sure the edges line up nice and even.
Since we don't have a border on this quilt (the purple is representing binding), you can also stitch around the entire top, about an 1/8" from the edge, just to keep all the seams together while we baste, quilt, and bind it. This step isn't required, but helps prevent pulling apart seams before it's all secured.
And the mystery is revealed! I won't lie, we are absolutely in love with this modern quilt top and I want to remake it in each of the color palettes we posted in month 1. So, remember, stick around and we will be finishing up our quilt tops before the end of the year as well. Grab your parts, sew them all together, and we'll be back with the next steps in September.
Happy Quilting!
Kimie and Missy