Quilting Tutorials

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 2

Kimberlee Tanner

Tags Beginner Quilter, Free Patterns, QAL, Tutorial

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 2

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 2 We hope you are all doing well and are excited you are here to quilt along with us! We are starting to see pictures of fabric  pulls and love what all the kids are coming up with. If you are waiting on fabric that you ordered, don’t worry, these videos won’t go anywhere, so just jump in as soon as you can. If you missed yesterday’s video, head to Kids Can Quilt! – Day 1 to catch up. Today we are cutting out fabric. We have to start this lesson with a SAFETY WARNING! Rotary cutter...

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 1

Kimberlee Tanner

Tags Beginner Quilter, Free Patterns, QAL, Tutorial

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 1

Kids Can Quilt! – Day 1 Welcome! We are so excited you are here. We absolutely love to quilt and are excited to share this skill with our younger generation. Each day this week, we will post a new video with the next step of the quilting process. By the end of the series, you will have a completed top! We’ll also share a bonus video with some ideas on how to finish your top and turn it into an actual quilt. Quilting is a great introduction to sewing because it’s all just straight lines. For this project we will...

Which Thread Should I Use

Kimberlee Tanner

Tags Beginner Quilter, Quilting, Quilting Supplies

Which Thread Should I Use

Which Thread Should I Use? There are so many choices to make through the quilt making process that often it can become overwhelming. Instead of stashing your projects away for fear of making the wrong choice, we are going to go over some basics of thread, and how to pick the best one for your quilt top.   Thread Weight With needle sizes, and thread sizes, and fabric weaves and thread counts, all those numbers can be confusing! With thread, the basics of weight are: the higher the number, the finer the thread. Not all threads are going to be...

Online Quilting Bee Skill Builder Block 3

Kimberlee Tanner

Tags Free Patterns, QAL, Tutorial

Online Quilting Bee Skill Builder Block 3

Online Quilting Bee Block 3 We are having so much fun hearing the responses from you and seeing all of your amazing quilt blocks! If you missed block 2, you can get instructions for it here: Online Quilting Bee Block 2 For more information, you can head to the main Quilt Along webpage and it will outline all the details. Scroll down below the video for fabric requirements. We are now ready to sew block 3! This month we are learning all about flying geese blocks. This block features a star constructed of flying geese, inside a larger matching star. We will use our...

Lucky Charm Quilt Block

Kimberlee Tanner

Tags Beginner Quilter, Free Patterns, Holiday

Lucky Charm Quilt Block

How to make a Four Leaf Clover Quilt Block As I was looking around my home a few weeks ago, I decided that I need more holiday decorations. I also decided that those holiday decorations should consist entirely of quilted projects, cause why not! It was way too late to start a Valentine’s quilt, so I skipped ahead and designed something for St Patrick’s day instead. This was probably for the best, as I think this holiday is one that I have the least amount of decor items for! Of course, I couldn’t keep this project to myself, so today,...