Quilting Tutorials — Quilt
How to Make an Easy Jelly Roll Quilt
Pre cuts are some of the most convenient, time-saving fabric options available! Most of the cutting and even picking fabric is done for you. We also love that you can get an entire collection affordably with one of these fun sets. This week, we are going to work with 2 jelly roll packs to put together a modern quilt top that is quick and easy and can be completed in only a few hours. What is a Jelly Roll? A jelly roll can be called by different names, but ultimately what we are looking for is a roll of...
How to Quilt Lone Star Blocks
Block 11 is a mini lone star quilt block and I have lots of fun ideas and ways to approach quilting it. Don’t forget to scroll down to print out your blank block copy so you can doodle along and come up with your own ideas! Quilt Block Design 1 For this design, I quilted the yellow and dark green areas as different elements, but then combined the light green and gray into one continuous element around the block. By connecting those areas, it makes it appear as if the yellow and dark green diamonds are sitting on top...
How to Make Flanged Quilt Binding
While I don’t love the process of binding a quilt, I love what it symbolizes. The project is nearly complete and ready to be used! This week, we are sharing a little twist on a regular binding. We are using a Flange Binding. You’ll need 2 fabrics and a couple extra steps, but overall the process is about the same as regular quilt binding. We’ll be attaching our binding by machine, but you can hand stitch it as well if you prefer. What is Flange Binding? Flange Binding is a binding that includes two fabrics, a main fabric and...
2020 Online Quilting Bee – Putting it All Together
We have finished all 12 blocks and now it’s time to put it all together! After all the skills you’ve learned, this final step will be quick and easy, but it’s still worth taking your time to make sure everything lines up correctly. With a few simple tips and tricks, your top will stay square and be easy to finish. We have learned so many different techniques this year! If you missed any, you can head to the main 2020 Quilt Along Page or click on the link below: Block One – Quarter Square Triangles Block Two – Log Cabin Blocks Block...
How to Make 3D Pinwheel Quilt Blocks
We love to add 3d elements to our quilts, especially ones made for kids. This is a fun and easy block you can make in any size to add a little extra pop to your top. Fabric Requirements You can make this block any size you want. The only thing to remember is to cut your pinwheel fabric 1″ smaller that the background squares. You will need 4 background squares and 4 pinwheel squares. For our sample block, we used 6 1/2″ background squares and 5 1/2″ pinwheel squares. This will give us a finished block of 12″. To...